This was a series of 4" x 6" pastel paintings that I did after my first trip to Alaska. These paintings were from pictures I took over on the Aluetian chain in or close to Katmai National Park. The mama and baby bears were on Kodiak when we went out bear watching with Mike Munsey. The mama bear watched us for along time and was very proud of her babies. They posed for a long time and she nursed them, all while they were watching us watching them. When we go to Munsey's Bear Camp, it is in a very remote area of Kodiak. You can only get there by a very long boat ride or bush plane landing in the water. We bear watch and fish there and the transportation is on their 50 ft boat "Sunrise". The sights are gorgeous and I have many more paintings I want to make of the bears. This series sold out, I called it my Postcards From Kodiak.